August 2024 ~ Day 2 Progress Update

Thank you all so much for the amazing reception on WYCLM! We've hit 600 downloads since our initial release and I couldn't be more thankful ;w;  We have a lot planned for the next update, as well as a solidified plan for what the full and final game will look like in the future~

So lets get a peek into what's coming next to an page near you >.0

⋆。°✩⋆。°✩Thank you for 600 downloads!⋆。°✩⋆。°✩

As said before, we've reached 600+ downloads! In celebration, I wanted to write a sweet little scenario involving Satoshi and our dear MC :3  

Find the fic right here!

⋆。°✩⋆。°✩Anything on Day 2?⋆。°✩⋆。°✩

Day 2 is officially half way written! When this day releases, we officially conclude the introductory arc of the story! 

The main focus of Day 2 is of course the art club meeting. There are the four different activities- writing, photography, sewing, and drawing- and each has different interactions and consequences associated with it *_* We get to see all of the minor characters introduced in Day 1 interacting with each other, Satoshi, and MC. Every character has their own different perspectives on Satoshi and MC's dynamic and we'll see it all play out in the full chaos it's destined to be~ 

Day 2 and it's associated update will have all the following and more:

  • 8 major scenes 
  • 4 big branches revolving around the four different club activities 
  • 4 minor branches unlocking mini scenes dependent on a choice made in the beginning of the day
  • Alternative dialogue for specific scenes depending on which activity you've chosen 
  • New CGs
  • A partial of rework of the GUI 

⋆。°✩⋆。°✩And for the future?⋆。°✩⋆。°✩

The main story will have 5 full days of story, and 1 more serving as an epilogue for each different ending. After Day 2 releases, the current plan is to release the rest of the days in 2 batch increments. This means you'll be getting the full middle act at the same time, and the ending and epilogue together as well! This way, it'll be more satisfying to play through each update. 

I can't give an estimated word count but I can say the full game will have the following:

  • 4 endings ~ two good two bad 
  • At least 2 epilogues 
  • 6 days of content 
  • The option to yell at Elias 

⋆。°✩⋆。°✩So, as of now...⋆。°✩⋆。°✩

Expect Day 2 to come out before the year ends! Thank you all once again for downloading and playing through the game :3 

See you all next time <3 

Get WAIT! You can't love me! - DEMO


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Thank you for playing ^w^ !!! I hope you enjoy what we have in store hehe <33